Wednesday, November 23, 2011

An Un-Traditionally Traditional Thanksgiving

Last year, my wife and I decided that our Thanksgivings had become far too much about the food and the place settings and everything looking and feeling just right. The striving for a “traditional” Thanksgiving day itinerary was overwhelming the true purpose of the day. It ended up too many times with one woman doing all the cooking and with everyone else hanging out and enjoying themselves. The stress potential for that one woman was amazingly high.

So, instead of my wife cooking everything and decorating a table and everyone sitting down all at once to eat, we made the whole day a “life appreciation” day. That meant that we both cooked, tasted, ate in undefined “courses”, laughed, went out later to shop and have fun, and overall just reveled in being together and the fact that we had money to put such food into our bellies.

I had a blast that particular Thanksgiving day. We're doing it again this year, and I am also making a tangible list of my reasons for celebrating today.

So, as cliché as it may be, here are my top reasons for being thankful this particular Thanksgiving.

  • I am grateful for the God Who has blessed us with all that we have and are. Seriously, if He wasn't around, none of us would be either.
  • The man I am today would not be possible without the strenuous efforts of a fantastic wife. Three years of marriage has literally not seemed like any time at all. She is my much more valuable half.
  • I would be remiss in not mentioning the blessing of having two young sons. Every day when I get home from work they come bounding to the door to body slam me with happiness and gratitude. How could I let them do all the thanksgiving?
  • I am profoundly grateful for a safe community to raise my family. That community includes my neighborhood, my state, and my country. I love all three and could only ever wish them well.
  • I am thankful for actually having a job in an economy that can be described as nothing less than terrible. Not only is it a job, it has benefits and perks, and it allows me to have enough time off to write for you all here on the side.
  • I am thankful for my education, especially for the hard work my teachers made me do to earn a degree in English literature. I have a teaching job on the side because of it and a clear head with which to expound my thoughts on all subjects.
This is not an exhaustive list by any stretch, but it is a start. Happy Thanksgiving everyone, and please remember the real purpose of the holiday. It is not gluttony, or football, or even warm fuzzy feelings of togetherness. It is a healthy expression of the profound gratitude we owe to all who have made our lives better.

So eat, drink, and be merry! And Be Aware.

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