Monday, January 30, 2012

The Creative Mind

I am an artist. Most of my friends know this. Most of my friends also happen to be artists of one sort or another. An intriguing arrangement...

Anyways, I know that sometimes I must struggle with the gift/curse of being said artist. My work doesn't come out the way I wished, for example. Or I don't finish it on time. Or I am overly proud of it and a critic brings me back down to earth again. Or, I put so much time and effort into the art that my family suffers from my absence. The last part is the portion I am posting about here today.

I must give a shout out to my friend Donna for finding this incredible article about the artist and the need for grappling with both his art and the humanity around him. It is an insightful look into the creative mind and the joys and sorrows contained therein.

Pay special attention to the passage about our creations being our "children," to a degree. A great analogy for the creative act of God, whether that was the author's intent or not. Wonderfully penetrating insight.

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